Sunday, August 9, 2015

Wow, can't believe that it has been many, many years since I last posted anything here. Since then, I have come to realize that extreme penny pinching takes more energy than it is worth it, and that the bottom line is if you are paying an amount that is worth what you are receiving in return, and it is something that you need and can afford, then go for it.

That being said, it is hard to ignore the cost of technology. It has become a requirement in our daily lives, from he phone we use, the apps we use, the PC and programs that make life easier, or at list somewhat much more fun.

There was a time when PC and laptops where beyond most peoples reach. Nowadays, a decent PC can be had for less the $500 with most of the software you will ever need pre-installed. And even when said software was not part of your package, there is often plenty of open source alternatives available. And that now includes the operating system.

I still remember when Linux first came out, it was a really interesting concept. Before that all I know was Microsoft DOS or Windows and these where not free. As much as I wanted to try Linux, I found the GUI slow and unimpressive when compared to Windows. And finding then installing software required the use of the terminal. The there was the computers. I buy one with a perfectly good running OS pre-installed. Why would I take that out and replace it with Linux. Really did not make sense to me back then.

Back then, manufacturers sold computers with separate installation disks for use during those times when luck was not on your side. Eventually they got rid of those disks in favor of creating a separate partition on your hard drive to hold the reinstall software. But what happens if you hard drive craps out?  Well that is exactly what happened when my Dell Laptop running Windows Vista gave up, completely dying on me. I wasn't too happy with Vista so started looking for an alternative and that was when I rediscovered Linux, Ubuntu to be precise. The GUI was very impressive, much more than I last remember. Software was easy to install, I hardly need to remember any command lines, and best of all, it was free. So I installed Ubuntu and have been using it ever since. Windows has just released Windows 10 and I am still using the same laptop I had when Vista was top of the line. And I have peppermint Linux running on a netbook and it works great.

Re-use old computers, use free OS and software. Now that is real money saved.

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